small_tab1_Serie MP

Conforme à VDI 6022

small_tab1_Serie MP


For the fitting of filter elements for the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants


Mounting plates for activated carbon filter cartridges. For installation in air handling units or for mounting a filter wall in ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Easy change of the activated carbon filter cartridges due to the bayonet fixing
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction



  • Mounting plate type MP as a base element for mounting a filter wall in air handling units and ventilation systems
  • Fitting of activated carbon filter cartridges for the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants, hydrocarbons, and traces of inorganic compounds



  • GAL: Galvanised steel
  • STA: Stainless steel

Useful additions

  • Suitable filter elements to be ordered separately
  • Activated carbon filter cartridges (ACFC)

Construction features

  • Mounting plates with openings to fit activated carbon filter cartridges (bayonet fixing)

Materials and surfaces

  • Mounting plates made of galvanised sheet steel or stainless steel

Tehnički podaci

  • Specification text
  • Order code


Mounting plates type MP as a base element for mounting a filter wall in air handling units and ventilation systems.

Fitting of activated carbon filter cartridges for the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants, hydrocarbons, and traces of inorganic compounds.

Fitting of activated carbon filter cartridges with bayonet fixing.

Materials and surfaces

  • Mounting plates made of galvanised sheet steel or stainless steel


  • GAL: Galvanised steel
  • STA: Stainless steel


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